Monday, October 25, 2010

Stop Motion Animation

Our latest breif for Digital Imaging was to create a stop motion animation.
This is mine.

It was so annoying to make but I think if I ever have enough time and patience I'll try and make another one.

Saturday, October 2, 2010


We had to create some sort of mutant animal thing in Digital Imaging. We needed to use layer masks to put parts of one animal onto another.
I used a Meerkat, Leopard skin, Octopus tentacles and Eagle wings.
I call it, the Meagle. Nah, I don't. I still have to think of a good name for it but I'll use that for now.

Friday, October 1, 2010


For an assignment in Digital Imaging class we had to create our own horror dvd cover. We watched some tutorial videos in class, I used them to help me create the layout of my dvd cover and for other basic tips.

At first I was going to get some stock images off DeviantArt to use but then I decided to go out and take my own pictures. That made it easier to wrok with, that way I could have a concistant theme through out my cover. I did use a texture stock from DeviantART

Although this is something I should have already known and done (well I did, but I didn't think it would really matter) I didn't save at any point while making my dvd cover, and after like 3 hours of doing it photoshop closed! aslkrjfsdkhskfsk I was about to cry because I just finished the front an spine and was up to doing the back. I had my screen dumps and I just copied what I did from there and saved every two seconds!

This is my dvd cover