Friday, October 1, 2010


For an assignment in Digital Imaging class we had to create our own horror dvd cover. We watched some tutorial videos in class, I used them to help me create the layout of my dvd cover and for other basic tips.

At first I was going to get some stock images off DeviantArt to use but then I decided to go out and take my own pictures. That made it easier to wrok with, that way I could have a concistant theme through out my cover. I did use a texture stock from DeviantART

Although this is something I should have already known and done (well I did, but I didn't think it would really matter) I didn't save at any point while making my dvd cover, and after like 3 hours of doing it photoshop closed! aslkrjfsdkhskfsk I was about to cry because I just finished the front an spine and was up to doing the back. I had my screen dumps and I just copied what I did from there and saved every two seconds!

This is my dvd cover

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